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Kelsea Ballew
I grew up going to a small Baptist church my whole life where my family was pretty involved. We hardly ever missed a Sunday. We moved churches in my senior year of high school. My church experience quickly turned into going to sit in a seat on Sunday morning and getting out as soon as I could. I thought I was handling life and my relationship with Christ well enough on my own. It wasn’t until I attended North Greenville University (NGU) that I made my faith my own rather than following so closely what my parents said. I began searching for my own church family as I realized the importance of being plugged into a community of believers.
I used to think I didn’t have a testimony because I had only heard of the usual, “Jesus saved me from ___”. I was saved and baptized when I was 7 years old. I never had a “falling off track” or turning from church moment. In my eyes, I was different than those around me. Over time in college, it became clear that just because I wasn’t doing what I saw as bad things, that didn’t mean I was doing all the right things. Sin was made known to me in a new way and I quickly realized I was not as good as I thought. I would say that was the biggest turning point in my life. I saw Jesus for who He is and my sin for what it is. Since then, I’m grateful for relationships and CFNW for continuing to help me grow and learn more about His goodness and grace daily.
I came to CFNW with some friends and was grateful to be back in a small church where people were intentional and really cared when you missed a Sunday. I’ve learned the importance of doing life with our community and spending time growing and loving on one another. I joined the church in 2022. I’ve served in CF Kids and helped with events (my favorite was setting up for the Christmas celebration with the network!). I’m a part of the Barta MC and I couldn’t love it more! Those friends are like our family and we are so blessed to be able to walk through these fun seasons of life with them! As Gavin and I prepare for marriage, I’m most grateful for our support team who remind us of the gift of and reason for marriage and who pray for us. Coming from a church that didn’t know I was even walking in every Sunday to this, I am most grateful for the intentionality, accountability, and seeing His love all over everyone at CFNW.