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Randall Moss
Growing up, my childhood was filled with brokenness and sin. My parents divorced when I was very young, and this caused me to feel the weight of sin early on in life. After they separated, they unfortunately continued down a negative path until my dad eventually repented and was saved a few years later; my mom would eventually give her life to Jesus as well. After his surrender to Christ, I started going to church with my dad on a fairly regular basis and began to be exposed to the gospel. I actually enjoyed the safety and security that I felt in our church community, and started to become curious about the stories I was being taught. Although I was interested in the gospel message, I hadn’t yet repented in faith and I continued to wrestle and struggle with my sin until my early teenage years.
When I was 12, I received a letter from my uncle who was in prison at the time. In the letter, he had apologized to me and our family for the brokenness that he had caused and the promises that he couldn’t keep. He told me that early on in his sentence he had received the good news of Jesus and repented of his sins. He knew that even if he never got out, his sins were forgiven and his eternal future was secure, and he urged me to consider this reality and do the same. In that moment, I remember very clearly that I repented and believed in the gospel and experienced the regenerating love of Jesus. I began to grow in my faith, read the bible, and was discipled by mature believers in our church. I was also baptized in a river just down the road from our church.
As I transitioned into my early adulthood years, I was slightly conflicted about God’s calling on my life. I knew that I wanted to do ministry in some capacity but couldn’t figure out if that was supposed to be full time or maybe bi-vocational part time ministry . I also knew that I was gifted in certain areas outside of Christian ministry, and I eventually decided that I would pursue a career outside the church while also serving in a ministry role part time. I volunteered as a youth pastor for several years and earned a master’s degree in biomedical sciences. Eventually I, along with my wife and children, sold our home in Georgia to pursue an instructor of biology position at North Greenville University. There, I earned my doctorate in educational leadership.
We moved to the Greenville area in 2016 and began attending Christ Fellowship Cherrydale. We decided in 2017 to join the core team that would go out and plant Christ Fellowship Northwest, and have been faithfully attending ever since. I am incredibly grateful for the role that our church has played in continuing to grow and mature our faith. Our pastors have shepherded and guided our souls so well, and it has been a wonderful experience to be a part of both a Missional Community and a cell group where we can live life together. God has done an incredible work in our lives through CFNW, and we look forward to what he is going to continue to do in the coming years.